How to vape CBD
Cannabis consumption by vaping has many advantages over the joint that is traditionally smoked. We are used to smoking marijuana as a seal, mixed with tobacco or not. Smoking is extremely bad for your health and should be avoided.
For this reason, vaporizers have gained popularity in recent years. The medical use or not of sprays by cannabis users, has increased dramatically.
However, it turned out that many consumers are unfamiliar with this way of using cannabis. In fact, we do not smoke but we vapote. The smoker burns herbs or tobacco while the vaper inhales only vapors. It does not suffer the side effects of smoking
The benefits of vaporizers
Because of the large number of questions, it seemed useful to us to list the advantages of different vaporizers. Indeed, the differences between the products are very large. Now that we discuss it, I immediately think of several questions that you would surely want answered before attempting the vaping experience:
There are many ways and possibilities to use a vaporizer. The purpose of using a vaporizer may vary.
Buy a good vaporizer
A vaporizer is quite expensive but if you make the right choice, you can enjoy your purchase for a very long time. The investment is worth it if you consider that the vaporizer can be used for years. The health benefit is immediate.
Once you know what you want, the choice is no longer very difficult. You already understand it, I think; buying the vaporizer that suits you the best requires a lot of knowledge (of oneself), a difficult task! We are pleased to help you make this choice by listing the important points to consider before buying a vaporizer.
Sprays can be used for different types and forms of cannabis or marijuana.
How is vaping cannabis (CBD oil)?
Vaping is a technique that allows you to consume cannabis and enjoy active substances without burning it. Cannabis is heated just below the point of combustion, producing steam. CBD vaping instead of “smoking” avoids the absorption of harmful substances and irritation of the respiratory tract. These substances are released only when the cannabis is burned and therefore not when it is vaping.
Vaporising means heating
Cannabis is heated to a temperature of 180 – 200 ° C. Only the active cannabinoids are released but not the carcinogenic tar and other aromatic polycyclic hydrocarbons that are present in the smoke of the cigarette for example
Many medical cannabis users who experience side effects after smoking cannabis have had excellent experiences with a vaporizer. A vaporizer is also ideal for users who are concerned about the harmful effects of smoking on the airways and lungs. Alternatives such as shisha or cannabis pipe are not as effective as the spray to reduce harmful consequences.
Evaporation temperature for CBD oil is: 160 ° C to 180 ° C
This cannabinoid is also well represented in the cannabis plant. While cannabis use is still a controversial topic and the main focus is on the effects of THC, CBD offers more promising benefits for medical use.
CBD is not psychoactive, contrary to what most people think. This means that the CBD has no effect on the judgmental ability and coordination of the user. The therapeutic benefits of CBD are even more interesting. We will never make medical claims on our website in relation to our products. We rely on Google and your common sense for more information regarding medical properties. In our opinion, more scientific research is needed to confirm these claims.
How to maintain a vaporizer
If you want your vaporizer to last a long time and function optimally, it is important to clean it regularly. The resin that remains in the device is extremely sticky and dirty the parts, even the flavor of the steam can be impacted by this substance. Read below how to clean the most important parts.
Herbs Compartment / Screens
These components clean well with alcohol. Soak for several hours to dissolve the resin and other dirt.
Put all the metal and glass components in a container with household alcohol.
Shake the components and let the alcohol work. Remove the screens after one hour.
Let the larger glass components soak overnight.
Rinse all components to remove remaining dirt.
The hose can also be cleaned with household alcohol. On the other hand, the hose may discolour and the alcohol may give an unpleasant taste to the hose.